Index of Acts and Governments page


List of documents page




Chapter headings: 

Caught in the Act; New South Wales Government Acts of Bastardry 

Against Aboriginal People 1788-2005


including a case study on the Northern Rivers 

Work in progress. Updated 10/01/2006

Note: This web page is part of a research blog, and will expand.


Chapters 1-14 





Chapter 1. 1771-1838

Documents pre-1788; Military Governors from Phillip to Snodgrass; Standing Orders, two Proclamations and an Act



Chapter 2. 1838-1846

Sir George Gipps in Three Acts, a Proclamation and an Imperial Ordinance



Chapter 3. 1846-1855

Fitzroy in five Acts.  



Chapter 4. 1856-1867

Colonial Prime Ministers Donaldson, Cowper, Parker, Forster, Robertson, Martin, and Parkes in five Acts  



Chapter 5. 1875 – 1899  

Robertson, Farnell, Parkes, Robertson, Stuart, Dibbs and Reid, in six Acts  




Chapter 6. 1899-1904

Lyne and See in three  Acts




Chapter 7. 1904-1925

Carruthers (Liberal-Reform), Wade (Liberal), McGowan (Labor) and Holman (as both Labor and Nationalist) In seven Acts




Chapter 8. 1932-1947

Stevens (United Australia Party) and McKell (Labor) in five Acts  




Chapter 9. 1952-1965

Cahill, Heffron and Renshaw (all Labor), in three Acts



Chapter 10. 1965-1975

Askin (Liberal) in ten Acts  



Chapter 11. 1976-1988

Wran and Unsworth (Labor) in twelve Acts



Chapter 12. 1988-1992

Greiner and Fahey (Liberal) in three Acts




Chapter 13. 1995-2005

Carr (Labor) in six Acts



Chapter 14, 2005 - to come

Iemma, (Labor) (certainly will include any Legislation and Government actions pertaining to The Block, Redfern)