Index of Acts and Governments page
Chapter headings:
Caught in the Act; New South Wales Government Acts of Bastardry
Against Aboriginal People 1788-2005
including a case study on the Northern Rivers
Work in progress. Updated 10/01/2006
Note: This web page is part of a research blog, and will expand.
Chapters 1-14
Documents pre-1788; Military Governors from Phillip to Snodgrass; Standing Orders, two Proclamations and an Act
Sir George Gipps in Three Acts, a Proclamation and an Imperial Ordinance
in five Acts.
Prime Ministers Donaldson, Cowper, Parker, Forster, Robertson, Martin, and
Parkes in five Acts
Farnell, Parkes, Robertson, Stuart, Dibbs and Reid,
in six Acts
Lyne and See in three Acts
Carruthers (Liberal-Reform), Wade (Liberal), McGowan
(Labor) and
Holman (as both Labor and Nationalist)
(United Australia Party) and McKell (Labor) in five Acts
Cahill, Heffron and Renshaw (all Labor), in three Acts
(Liberal) in ten Acts
Wran and Unsworth (Labor) in twelve Acts
Greiner and Fahey (Liberal) in three Acts
Carr (Labor) in six Acts
Chapter 14, 2005 - to come
(certainly will include any Legislation and Government actions pertaining to
The Block, Redfern)